They come in all shapes and sizes.
Crooked smiles, gap smiles, awkward smiles and ear to ear smiles they all are different, but smiles tell a lot about people. People smile for more reasons than happiness, they smile because their uncomfortable, they smile to diffuse situations, no two are the same.
A smile tells alot about a person, and recently I've realized there's a certain kind of smile on a person, the best kind, that can be the tell to even the best of poker faces. Something that I reserve for the most special of conversations.
It's that smile that they can't contain, the one that reaches the tips of the ears. The one that after a long day let's you forget about the day and just be happy. It's the time when you really smile because you mean it. You can't contain it, you can't control and to be honest it feels so good you would never want to.
It really is true, in a life full of curve balls there's one curve that sets everything straight.... a smile.
Love the close! :)