Stress is stress is stress. I don't care who you are, or what level of Ohm/relaxation you tell yourself you have achieved. Things make us worry and stress out, we're human. It's all about the perspective.
Even when things got bad, treatment wasn't working, treatment was working (and hurting) my mom always kept a level of calm. I'm sure she worried and she stressed, but she made little goals and milestones and celebrated those big and small (ice cream was a celebration treat of choice).
This is one thing she told me, and it should be told to everyone.
We were sitting in the hospital and I don't hide emotion well. She could tell seeing my hero, my person in a hospital bed was wearing me down, and although I furiously denied it, although she was the one going through the war on her body, she looked at me and asked me a simple question:
"Do you think worrying does any good?"
I stared at her, and took a second (for once) before responding.
"No, but I worry about you"
She looked at me and said "If worrying did any good, don't you think they would have a ward of worrying specialists in this hospital ... I can tell you I've spent a good amount of time here and I see no worrying specialists."
It's true, if worrying did any good, someone would've discovered it by now, and of course claimed it as an untapped miracle cure for something. We all worry, but the fact that it does no good for anyone especially ourselves. So when I have a bad day at work or something just didn't go how I planned, I look back and smile, because really what is there to worry about. Things will happen how they happen, and if anything is going to make it better it won't be worrying. (but according to my mom ... chocolate chips and ice cream might)
Overall its simple: worries are worthless