Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Sincerely Sincere

It's something we all look for, but the hardest thing in the world is to determine whether or not people are sincerely sincere.

Acting. We all do it at some point or another. I for one am a great actress when it comes to an over dramatic performance for stubbing my toe or turning my trip into an olmpic long jump, but when everyone's an actor/actoress to a point I think we all just crave a little more sincerity, and a little less faux. 

I will be the first to admit that I am very slow to trust people, but the one thing that puts my guard down is sincerity. The just becauses in life. You know, the why did you do (blank) for me, oh just because. ( I don't know about you but the just becauses in life are the best).
2. genuine; real: a sincere effort to improve;

I think we have such a hard time recognizing sincerity because people will act sincere as a vehicle to an end game. I for one have been burned by being too trusting with people I considered sincere ( lessons very well learned). But, in the midst of it all there are some people who truly are sincere, they still do things just because, and that amazes me. So, how do we determine sincerity? Trust? Go out on a limb? To be honest I'm still figuring it out so if anyone knows this is another thing they've never told me.


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